That proximity translates into performance. Thanks to the new microarchitecture, the graphics processor is on the same chip as the central processor and has direct access to 元 cache. Together with up to 8MB of shared 元 cache, the integrated memory controller helps your applications run at peak performance. Thatâs why the new Intel Core architecture uses an integrated memory controller to connect fast 1333MHz memory directly to the processor. With faster access to memory, each core can get right to work on your data, rather than waiting for it to arrive.
When youâre running multiple applications at once, the processor spreads tasks more evenly across a greater number of cores. This technology allows two threads to run simultaneously on each core, so Mac OS X recognizes eight virtual cores on a quad-core processor and four on a dual-core processor. Hyper-Threading is now standard on every MacBook Pro. By shifting core frequency in smaller increments than before, it allows the processor to manage performance without sacrificing efficiency. Turbo Boost 2.0 is even more dynamic and efficient. Turbo Boost is a dynamic performance technology that automatically increases the speed of the active cores â up to 3.4GHz. Data travels a shorter distance, allowing for greater efficiency. The latest Intel Core architecture puts the processor, cache, memory controller, and graphics engine on a single chip.